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Autonomic Response Testing

What is Autonomic Response Testing?

Developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D, A.R.T.™ is a comprehensive holistic way of testing the body for 7 factors that cause the nervous system to become stressed and blocked. These stressors and blockages then cause inflammation, illnesses and disease. This holistic testing system created by Dr. Klinghardt has given him world-wide recognition in his treatments of autism, Lyme disease and other chronic illness.


A.R.T. is different than just standard applied kinesiology. Utilizing the light coherence and resonance of the different tissues and organs of the body which then provide biofeedback to the brain. Advanced muscle testing with ART not only assesses and treats Lyme, autoimmune issues and chronic conditions using nutrition, homeopathic and herbal remedies, but can also dose accurately so that the patient is receiving the correct solution and dosage for their issue.


Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a biofeedback enhanced physical exam which uses changes in muscle tone as primary indicator. It is a profound approach to discover and treat the root cause or causes of symptoms and dis-ease.

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the part of the nervous system that we cannot control with our mind. The ANS regulates breathing, heart rate, digestion, immune function, sleep patterns, hormone regulation, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, tissue regeneration, and liver and kidney detoxification.


This amazing biofeedback system helps to show how a persons ANS is responding or paralyzed by what are know as the 7 Factors of Disease , 1) Food intolerance, 2) EMF/ Geopathic Stress , 3) Structural stressors, 4) Toxins, 5) Emotional trauma, 6) Dysfunctional scars or nerve ganglia, and 7) Nutritional deficiencies. 


What is the benefit of ART?

Many patients have exhausted their search for treatment of chronic diseases through western allopathic medicine with their only lifeline being surgery or the usage of pharmaceutical drugs which do not fix the underlying issue, only masking symptoms of the condition.


For some, pharmaceutical drugs are necessary, but for the majority of chronic illness presented today, there are many viable alternative treatment options. Multiple doctor visits with no real solutions are becoming a burden for many Americans.


ART looks at the body holistically utilizing resonance of the body within it's surroundings, diagnosing the body for Lyme, viruses, parasites, neurological pollutants, geo stressors, chemical toxicity, dental carries, hidden infections and other factors that contribute to known and unknown ill health.


ART also balances the autonomic nervous system, allowing the body to be put into a state of healing and then incorporating natural alternatives such as herbal, nutritional or homeopathic remedies that can give long-term relief to the pathway of healing.

Where can I get an ART treatment?

Dr. Blazek has completed A.R.T. training through the Klinghardt Institute, intermediate and advanced hands-on training by practitioner trainers trained through the Klinghardt Institute.


Each treatment is approximately 1 -1.5 hours in length (some may be more, some less). A detailed medical history and medication list will be taken. Your body will then be scanned for different issues in your body. Organs, brain, matrix, cellular and intracellular. This is done with advance muscular testing, more advanced than applied kineseology.


The body in open regulation, addressing the yin and yang states of the body and brain, putting the body in a state of resonance. Once the body is in a state of open regulation (balance) we can test for viruses, pathogens, allergens, metal toxicity and other causes of illness.


This open state also allows us to test for nutritional, herbal and homeopathic remedies that are suitable to the body and to the issue, and treat with a dose that appropriate for healing.


In the decades that ART has been used, hundreds of thousands of individuals have found a path to healing. Through training with the Klinghardt Institute, Dr. Blazek is able to bring this amazing medicine to Colorado Springs and the surrounding areas.





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